I sat down with Loony Labs guinea pig err, dog rather… Goofy himself discussed the enhancements at Goofy Speedway thanks to Loony Labs. Let’s continue with our other highlights.
#Toontown offline shrit codes upgrade#
Closing time, gotta run!” Drop by ToonTown Sign Factory on Silly Street, ToonTown Central and upgrade today! You can’t miss the building… no seriously you can’t.

Guess what? Thanks to Loony Labs technological advancement, Toons who have previously upgraded can now UPGRADE FURTHER! We also have a great new deal. Starting with this update, Toons can upgrade all the way to Donald's Dreamland I also was getting a lot of complaints from toons not being able to upgrade more than once. This week here on the blog, we thought it’d be fun to highlight some of the NEW ADVANCES happening in town this weekend that originated from Loony Labs!First off, we want to highlight our new improvements to the Upgrade Shop! I sat down with Bill Board, owner of the Toontown Sign Factory on Silly Street in Toontown Central and he said this in regards to the work Loony Labs did for this week: “Business is BOOMING! That’s right. What I DO know however… is that Loony Labs is working round the clock always to keep ToonTown Relived in tip-top shape! This means doing weekly minor updates as well as monthly/bi-monthly major updates. We haven’t heard from these three founding fathers of our town, and frankly I don’t know if we ever will. He was an inventor, a creator, and a trickster. Why? The legendary Doctor Dimm and his assistant Professor Prepestora of course… they were bug squashing legends! But also… their great leader. Loony Labs always has a special place in my heart. Oh, Hello Toons! It’s me, Flippy Jr.! I’m so glad you’re here! Come in and let’s chat! You know, this room has always been one of my favorites.